Felix and Scruffy were my first cats – and he has been the man of the house since I got him. I fell in love with him and Scruffy when I went with a friend to help her choose from a litter that a lady we worked with had after her cat got out. My friend has two cats from the same litter – so we are family!

In early 2018, after moving to WIltshire, Felix was taken ill and was not eating. He then started vomiting and I rushed him to the vet. He had eaten a bit of plastic and ended up with an intussusception – where the intestine telescopes inside itself. He was actually a lot sicker than I realised and the vets made me rush him to the emergency out of hourse vet hospital. It was a scary time, fort fortunately I was able to pick him up the next day and after a few days he was back to his normal self.

In September 2018 we welcomed new sister Mali. They go from ignoring each other to playing and chasing. Felix’s favourite toys are small mice and he likes to run and get them and bring them back to me and play fetch, although saying that, since we got Mali, she seems to go for everything he wants to play with so he doesn’t get to play as much as I think perhaps he’d like. After losing his Scruffy who he’d been with his whole life, we introduced Cookie to the family. She is not a replacement for her, but the reasons for getting a third cat (that we had lots of space and love to give) still stood. Cookie worships the ground he walks on and is often found near him or cleaning him. They are almost always snuggling, except when he has had enough of all the girls and takes himself off upstairs for some peace and quiet!