Scruffy is the real reason this website even exists. Whilst she passed away in 2018, it was falling in love with her that inspired me to get her and her brother Felix from the litter. I had gone with a friend to help her choose from the litter, but met Scruffy and fell head over heels with her and Felix, but I really bonded with Scruffy on that first visit.

She and Felix weren’t old enough to leave their mum, and so I went away and thought about it for the weekend. I didn’t want to rush into such a big and important decision. As I had an upcoming holiday the lady kindly let me leave them with her for an extra couple of weeks. I finally bought her and Felix home in early July 2015 – I picked them up on the way back from the airport.

Felix and Scruffy lived with me in my one bedroom flat until we moved to Wiltshire where we upgraded to a three bedroom house so they had a lot more space to run around in.

In October 2018, only a month or so after welcoming a new addition to the family (Mali – because we felt we had lots of space and room for a new feline friend) Scruffy was taken ill and less than a week later, she had to be put to sleep. She had lymphoma and we tried everything possible to save her, but she was too sick. It broke my heart, but she showed me what love really was and thanks to her and Felix I became a much less selfish person – having to prioritise looking after them over myself.

She really was the most beautiful cat and much as she is very much missed, life goes on and whilst Cookie was in no way shape or form a replacement for her – I do believe things were meant to be as she has settled in to the house and keeps Felix company like Scruffy used to.